So where is nabocorp?

the software that eases your everyday life with your digital pictures

So where is nabocorp?

Postby NACarter » Mon Jul 04, 2005 1:25 pm

We were all under the impression that nabocorp would be offline for a few days while his internet link was sorted out. But that was weeks ago. So, is nabocorp still looking at this forum?

I am concerned that Cam2PC will receive the same level of interest from nabocorp as this forum. Nabocorp, please tell me I'm wrong!

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Postby AlunS » Mon Jul 04, 2005 2:23 pm

Yes it's a bit strange, almost worrying, I'd say. I mean, I know changing address and getting things like a DSL connection sorted out can sometimes take a while, but we're talking several weeks here since his last message here.

There's always a modem if all else fails ...
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Postby martin10018 » Tue Jul 05, 2005 11:00 am

I have the strong feeling that there must more serious problems beyond the internet connection. I know Nabocorp (whatever his real name is) from this forum for more than two years and he has always been encouraged and helpful. He would not abandon Cam2PC. I hope he is okay...

I\'ve tried to find out his real name, but the website is registered through a service provider so Internic/WhoIs doesn\'t help at all. Maybe someone on this forum knows his real name so we can look around in the web to see what happenend to him.

Keep your fingers crossed...
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Postby AlunS » Tue Jul 05, 2005 11:23 am

I'm concerned too ... maybe someone here on this forum who lives in France could see if there's some way to find out who the registered owner of nabocorp is. Maybe there's some kind of central company register somewhere that would list him?
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Postby martin10018 » Tue Jul 05, 2005 11:35 am

His last post was almost 2 months ago...
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Postby hussonl » Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:43 pm

I live in France (near grenoble) and have exchanged some messages (bugs and new features) directly with Nabocorp in 2003 and 2004, but I don't know him directly, and I've never know his real name.
The only information I have, is that Nabocorp has lived in Grenoble and has moved to Nice after (information known in october 2004).
Before moving to a new flat without DSL connection recently ;-)
After this time, I haven't ask him directly, but only throw this forum.

I've check on French yellow pages, but there's no company with this name.

Months (years ?) ago, there was his real name in the Internic/Whois registry if I remember, but now not any more !
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Postby nabocorp » Tue Jul 05, 2005 11:01 pm

Hello all,

sorry for not replying on this forum. My new job takes me a lot lot of time and I must admit that I do not have the same amount of energy to spend on cam2pc as before. I hope that things will come back like before during summer.

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Postby hussonl » Tue Jul 05, 2005 11:12 pm

Welcome back ;-)
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Postby NACarter » Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:42 am

Phew! Good to hear from you again.
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So what next - Nabocorp?

Postby Jem » Sun Jul 10, 2005 11:09 am

So what's going to happen Nabocorp?

With respect (and I mean that), many have now paid for cam2pc and it's had a lot of publicity. If enhancement or, more importantly, fixes are going to be difficult, perhaps you should consider selling rights to the product so that someone else can carry on.

The product deserves that and if your 'new job' is going to take priority maybe you should 'take the money and run'!!!

Best Wishes,
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Postby Dan » Sun Jul 10, 2005 12:32 pm

For me and for 25 euros ! Cam2Pc is the best program i have.
Thanks a lot, Nabocorp, sincerely.
Dan (pas loin de Nice ... :D )
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Re: So what next - Nabocorp?

Postby martin10018 » Sun Jul 10, 2005 7:54 pm

Jem wrote:With respect (and I mean that), many have now paid for cam2pc and it's had a lot of publicity. If enhancement or, more importantly, fixes are going to be difficult, perhaps you should consider selling rights to the product so that someone else can carry on.

Many users (or buyers) seem to forget that they buy something in its current state. Not something promised for the future. If you buy a car today you pay for this car and not for the next model in two years.

Bugs should be ironed out though... But I'm sure Nabocorp will do this.
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Postby Biite » Mon Aug 01, 2005 1:24 pm

Yeah, allright.

But when will bugs be ironed out? I think it's kind of a moral issue to support and update what you deliver.

Sell the rights or make it open source or something if there's no way you can update, enhance and support it.

People who pay expect to see bugs solved and updates released. They're not paying for software which won't be updated.

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Postby Pieter » Sat Aug 06, 2005 11:55 am

I agree with Dan and Martin. I'm very satisfied about the little I paid for this good, mature product.
I also have quite some small and larger wishes and also hate the idea that I would have to look for it elsewhere. I don't plan to in near future.

So, it's not about the money, it's about the future. I don't see any reason to panic though. (MS) Windows is also still windows (the number of major new features are not that high from my perspective) and bugs in windows don't always get solved soon either...

I see the shareware price in the first place as a price for the additional features, that work quite well (now) for me.
Open source and freeware, by enthousiast people like Nabocorp, often make us forget that things have a price.

The problem with software is that it takes its success (and compensation for the price) from the amount of copies (users). I really hope that Nabocorp can do what it takes to keep this up. And if there is anything I can do to support on that, I will.
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Postby cromo » Thu Nov 10, 2005 6:07 am

I agree about you pay for what the software is right now.
I would even pay cam2pc in a suscription model: for example, 30 a year.
I just want to have an imaging utility that is slick and fast as Cam2PC is, and that lets me do now and in a future all I need.
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