Persistent album catalog?

the software that eases your everyday life with your digital pictures

Persistent album catalog?

Postby twin24 » Sat Jan 01, 2005 2:01 pm


I am trying to move photo files between folders, but the pics dissappear from the albums in which they were previously catalogued.
Am I doing something wrong, or the album catalog is just not capable of tracking file location changes?

Also, I would welcome any recommendation in terms of folder organization. Up to now I've been storing my pics in large yearly folders, and I thought about providing some order with albums. Is it better to have some thematic structure through folders?

Many thanks
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Postby nabocorp » Tue Jan 04, 2005 4:48 pm


yes albums are not able yet to track file location changes. This should be added to future versions I agree.

As for media organization, I suggest to group files in "small" folders. The Image Downloader of cam2pc is of great help for this as it can create destination folders automatically. I think it makes life easier to have 10 folders with 50 images in each instead of 1 folder with 500 images in it.

Once you have all these folders, you can always regroup pictures using albums.

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Postby jstartin » Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:04 pm

Thought I would add another user\'s point of view :wink:

Updating Albums. I have had the same problem and resorted to opening the album file in the program folder with a text editor (it is a text file) and doing a \"search and replace\", which worked fine to fix things after a substantial reorganisation of my directories. But, Nabocorp, yes tracking should be added!

Source folder size. This is a very personal thing, but contrary to Nabocorp I find it much better to have \"date range\" folders that contain enough images to fill a good part of a CD. Monthly, quarterly, or whatever is dictated by files sizes and "productivity"! I rely on Albums (one image can be in many albums of course) and, now, JPEG comments and the new search facility to find things. I find this works extremely well (paragraph above not withstanding).
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Postby fpeyaud » Mon May 16, 2005 12:00 pm

I have been using registered version for a long time and still waiting for this improvement, is there any chance albums will be able to automatically track file moves in the next version?
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