
a complete ready to use php survey system


Postby priapos » Mon Mar 17, 2003 11:50 am

I,ve installed nabopoll, but it seems that anyone who call up the url( can edit the question!!!
How can you secure this????

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Joined: Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:46 am

Postby nabocorp » Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:40 pm

You can secure this by using the folder based security of your webserver. If you are using Apache then you must use a .htaccess file. Ask your hosting company details about this if you do not know Apache.
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Postby nic » Wed Jul 07, 2004 2:43 pm


just installed and doing some testing. I've requested that my docroot be altered on my testserver so that I can store stuff in the directory above (and as its outside the docroot won't be accessible via the web). This has been done, but I'm testing the default installation before moving stuff around.

I now just need to determine which files to move & which to alter. Is there a list of these, or would you suggest the whole adion directory plus ?


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