Rename bug when transferring CRW+THM images

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Rename bug when transferring CRW+THM images

Postby freddycam » Sun Aug 07, 2005 5:58 pm

Hi, this is not an incompatability bug report along the lines of Cam2P will not work with RAWs from Camera XYZ.

I found a small but annoying bug in the renaming algorithm that occurs whenever Cam2PC transfers RAW images that keep buddy files.

In my case I am talking about Canon CRW + Canon THM files, but I strongly suspect it occurs with all files where the RAW file has the same file name as the buddy file and both only differ by their extension.

I use the following rename string :
Code: Select all
%Y.%m.%d %{substr:4:4}.%{ext}

while the CRWs get the correct names (e.g. "2005.01.05 6543.crw") all buddying THM files are given incorrect names (e.g. 2005.01 (01).thm + 2005.01 (02).thm etc.)
The option to avoid duplicates is checked.

The bug is in the code that compares filenames+extensions. My preferred date format includes dots (instead of the hyphens that natives english-speakers seem to prefer) and that confuses the code, which seems to split the exnsion starting in the filename from the left and not from the right.

My current workaround is this rename string :
Code: Select all
%Y-%m-%d %{substr:4:4}.%{ext}

Using that string leaves no dots in the filename portion and the code that splits the extension doesn't get confused. However I need a second batch renamer tool to change all the hypens into dots again (I have 17.000 images named using dots in the dates and I'm not chaging now :wink: )

It's a few lines of code to fix, so I'm looking out for a new version.
Thanks for a great piece of software - just the "auto-rename while you download" beats everything else I've seen (You can put that quote in the user comments page)

Thanks for listening
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Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2005 5:36 pm

Postby AlunS » Sun Aug 07, 2005 7:13 pm

I have the same problem with my Nikon D70s, when shooting in RAW (NEF) + JPEG mode. My solution is to copy the JPEG's over first "by hand" to a separate directory and rename them using "Image>Advanced Renaming" and then to transfer the NEF's across.
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Postby cmagic » Tue Aug 09, 2005 3:52 pm

Hi folks,

I have the exact same renaming problem with the function \\\'Transfer based on mask\\\' with *.png files.
The problem is quite strange since it seems to depend on the renaming string
It works flawlessly with jpg or tiff but does not work with png.

my standard renaming string is: %y-%m%d-%{num:3}.a--%{name}.%{ext}

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Postby freddycam » Tue Jul 17, 2007 10:06 pm

Hi folks, after i failed trying out 4.6.0 free edition, I found a link to the 4.6.1 trial version.

I am sad to say that this big still isn\'t fixed, here\'s a view of the files I get:


My rename string was
Code: Select all
%Y.%m.%d %{substr:4:4}.%{ext}

Posts: 5
Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2005 5:36 pm

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