Batch File Rename Bug - Attn: Nabocorp

the software that eases your everyday life with your digital pictures

Batch File Rename Bug - Attn: Nabocorp

Postby Jem » Sat May 14, 2005 8:44 pm

Hope this hasn't been reported before - don't have time to search right now:

1) Multiple select a group of photos
2) Right click, select 'Rename'
3) Set your options in the Batch Rename dialogue that appears next (in this case includes the prompt to enter a new name) and click 'OK'
4) Next dialogue is 'Enter Description - Renaming Files'.....

At this point it is NOT possible to go back, cancel or even close ANY cam2pc window. If you previously made a mistake i.e chose the wrong photos, you are committed to either continue regardless, or close cam2pc using Windows Task Manager.

Simple to correct this I suspect...over to you Nabocorp.

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