printing help pages

the software that eases your everyday life with your digital pictures

printing help pages

Postby Dianne » Mon Apr 04, 2005 9:53 pm

Since I'm very new to cam2pc (having purchased it today), I am printing out several pages from the help files to have by the computer as I set up masks, file naming schemes, etc.
This is a small housekeeping complaint, but I find that the pages don't always print correctly in Portrait mode (some of the screen shots are wider than a page), so then I switch to Landscape and print again. So far, that works with the pages I need. I'd prefer to have my hard copy documentation all in portrait for ease of reference.
I tried to print a few pages from the documentation section on the web site to help me during my evaluation. That was even messier -- with the table of contents tree on the left, nothing printed correctly on a page. The screen shots were cut off and the text didn't wrap.
The help file printing is the most important to me to print correctly. Thanks for listening.
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