Strange behavior scrolling a picture in full-screen mode

the software that eases your everyday life with your digital pictures

Strange behavior scrolling a picture in full-screen mode

Postby sb » Sun Dec 05, 2004 11:08 am


When I am in full-screen mode and I want to scroll up/down a picture larger than the screen, I have to use the up-arrow key to scroll down and the down-arrow key to scroll up the picture.

I guess this is your choice and not a bug but this is not the common behavior for picture viewers. It is quite strange... :?:

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Joined: Sun Dec 05, 2004 10:59 am

Postby jstartin » Sun Dec 05, 2004 3:26 pm

As another cam2pc user (not Nabocorp) I find that the present behaviour seems entirely natural and intuitive. The action is equivalent to "grabbing" and moving the picture, not scrolling within it. To see the top of a picture, for example, you can drag the picture downwards with the mouse or downwards with the down_arrow key. It would be absurd to have the mouse work the other way round; wouldn't it be odd to have the keyboard and mouse going opposite ways?

Edit: OK, I've just compared with Paint Shop Pro which does work the other way round. I had never noticed, I must just try arrows until I get the direction I want! I prefer cam2pc myself, but then standardisation also has benefits :?::wink:
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