Will my camera work with cam2pc?

the software that eases your everyday life with your digital pictures

Will my camera work with cam2pc?

Postby nabocorp » Wed Mar 26, 2003 10:20 am

It is very hard to tell if your camera will work or not with cam2pc because for obvious reasons we can't possibly test cam2pc with all the digital cameras available on the market. But first please remember that the Image Viewing part of cam2pc (including EXIF access, batch process, image sharing...) is 100% compatible with your camera. The only compatibility issue that can arise concerns the Image Downloader.

Starting with version 3.1, users who use the Configuration Wizard have the possibility to report their cameras as working in cam2pc. Keep in mind that these reports do not guarantee that the cameras does effectively work with cam2pc. You can see these reports here.

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Postby nursoda » Sun Jun 20, 2004 2:54 am

Users who use the Configuration Wizard have the possibility to report their cameras as working in cam2pc.

IMHO these reports are not helpful because they only show that cam2pc could connect to the camera, not that accessing, downloading or even features like automatic orientation worked well.
So I'd suggest a more detailled report and statistics view, like employing checkbuttons for different things that work for individual users or not.


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