cam2pc downloader: JPEG-pictures corrupted?

the software that eases your everyday life with your digital pictures

cam2pc downloader: JPEG-pictures corrupted?

Postby etan » Sat Apr 28, 2007 8:44 am


When I use the "Image Downloader" of cam2pc 4.6 to extract the photos from my D70s, I have problems with other softwares to open those pictures or to read metadata informations. I haden't these problems with the old version of cam2pc.

GIMP: I can't open my pictures at all. The "jpeg.exe" plugin of GIMP crashes. I have to delete the EXIF informations of the picture if I want to open it in GIMP.

Photo Info (see ... oinfo.mspx) : the thumbnail "Details" of this tool shows the EXIF-data of the picture. These informations are lost with cam2pc 4.6 (exposure time, f-stop, ISO speed, ...).

When I extract the pictures manually from my D70s (without using any automatic downloader), I haven't those problems. I also saw that the files doesn't have the same size (manually extracted: 3174ko; extracted with cam2pc: 3149ko). Is it possible that cam2pc removes (accenditally) informations during the download process of the pictures ?

I repeat that I haden't these problems with the old version of cam2pc, and I think that this problem could be a big issue.
Had anyone else the same problems?

Thank you very much
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Test with cam2pc 4.5.2

Postby etan » Sat Apr 28, 2007 8:58 am

I just made a test with the downloader of cam2pc 4.5.2.
Now the picture is the same size (3174Ko) as when I extract it manually from my camera, and I can open it without any problem with GIMP or read EXIF-metadata with Photo Info.

I hope that a solution will soon be found for this problem. As long as it remains I will continue to use cam2pc 4.5.2.

Best regards
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Postby nabocorp » Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:55 am

Can you please send me by mail both the original image and the "corrupted" image?

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Postby mharvey » Sun Dec 09, 2007 7:09 pm

I think I just had a similar problem using CAM2PC 4.6.1 Freeware.

I used CAM2PC to download the images from a SD card and one of the JPG images was corrupted. Unfortunately I have CAM2PC set to "Move" the images so the original was deleted.

It was fortunate that I was looking at the images on my PC right after transferring with CAM2PC. I was able to use Ontrack EasyRecovery Professional (came free with my Kingston Elite Pro CF card) to recover the images from the card before the deleted files were overwritten.

When I did a binary compare between the original the corrupted JPG I found that the damaged file had three bytes in the middle of the file changed.

The original file had the bytes:
FA FA 52 7A 3B 0B 5B 2B

While the corrupted file had the bytes:
FA FA 52 FA 3A AB 5B 2B

I did a binary compare of all of the files that were found by Ontrack with the ones that CAM2PC created and I found that they all matched 100% except for the corrupted JPG and a Quicktime MOV that also had a similar corruption.

This is the first time that I have noticed this problem. I am not positive that the problem is the fault of CAM2PC or the USB Card Reader that I was using. I will say that the card reader has read the file reliably every time I re-read the file after I undeleted it with Ontrack.

I guess I am going to have to do some more testing before I trust CAM2PC to copy my images in this way again.
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Postby michaelbudney » Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:59 am

I had a file become corrupted one time just doing a copy in XP's Windows explorer. I always do a copy before deleting now but I've never had an issue with cam2pc and a 20D.
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